Mark Sylvia.
Your Neighbor.
Your Rep.

I grew up here. I owe this community so much.

This district is my home, I’m a proud graduate of Fairhaven public schools and have served as Town Moderator and on the School Committee.  Who I am is a reflection of the six communities that make up this district.  I’m deeply motivated to represent our values in Boston.

I am a leader. I will get things done.

Whether managing a town, overseeing a state agency, or helping lead the acquisition of a private company - I know how to bring people together to achieve our goals. Strong leadership yields results.

There is work to do. I will fight for us.

I will fight to control the costs that impact the lives of our families, seniors, and young people every day— particularly the costs of healthcare, housing, and childcare. 


I have known Mark for many years. I know him as a person of character, ​positive in his approach to issues and dedicated to public service, his ​community and the Commonwealth. His years serving in many roles as a ​town official, at the state level as Undersecretary of Energy under Deval ​Patrick, and currently in the private sector working on renewable energy ​reflects the kind of broad experience that will allow him to hit the ground ​running on day one in the Legislature. I enthusiastically endorse Mark for ​State Representative and encourage the voters of the 10th District to join ​me in supporting him.”

-State Representative Bill Straus


I’m a reflection of the generations of hardworking people from the 10th Bristol District. Our communities are strong. We are always committed to doing the right thing, supporting each other, and embracing our differences. The 10th Bristol District needs driven, committed, proven leadership. I’m ready to serve all my neighbors on Day One.


We're running a grassroots campaign, powered by people like you! Sign up today to join us at an upcoming canvass or event. We will win in November by working together!